Wednesday, December 30, 2015

New Year's Resolutions & a GIVEAWAY!

Happy holidays! Phew, it's been a busy year here. I have so much to look back on and be thankful for. This past year, I started grad school, started my second full year as a teacher, and most exciting of all, started teachers pay teachers! Just this week, I hit 100 followers on TpT and 200 followers on Instagram. In December,I said goodbye to my current school building and moved to a holding school with the rest of my coworkers. We'll stay there for 18 months while they build a big, beautiful new school for us! For me, 2015 has gone out with a bang!

However, with all of that said, I'm SO looking forward to 2016! Professionally, I will sum up my first year of grad school, second year of teaching, and more. Personally, I will get married in May, move towards the end of the year, among other things. So, with so many exciting things happening, I am setting some personal and professional goals for 2016! Hopefully, sharing them here will help keep me accountable. :)

Goal 1: Network, Network, Network!
Joining TpT and Instagram (with a teacher's lens) this year has helped me to realize just how important networking is, both in schools and online! I've been able to do some collaboration with some wonderful, helpful sellers and bloggers this year. In 2016, I want to expand my knowledge and abilities around collaborating and networking! I hope to build better relationships with other teachers, share resources, and create new resources together.

Goal 2: Take advantage of leadership opportunities
As the only special education resource teacher at my school, I have some advantages over classroom teachers in the leadership area. I'm also a team leader, so I have additional responsibilities and leadership opportunities here. However, I want to really explore and take advantage of all possible leadership opportunities that may come my way in 2016. I want to develop my leadership skills through these opportunities and through my graduate classes (educational leadership and administration program). I really hope to support and be a resource to classroom teachers in my current position this coming year.

Goal 3: Grow and improve my Instagram
I really like am slightly obsessed with Instagram. I've had my personal account for several years now, but just started my professional account in September. I hope to continue to learn about Instagram and how to use it to connect with others!

Goal 4: Take some time for myself
On a weekly basis, I teach once dance fitness class, tutor 3 kids, take one (four hour) grad class, and teach full time. Add in TpT and wedding planning, and there's not much time left for me! I hope to carve out some time to relax and recenter now and then. I've let myself get bent out of shape this school year over various stressor. Instead, in 2016, I hope to be able to take some me time to relax instead.

Goal 5: Be a little better to myself and my body.
I know, this sounds like the cliché New Year's resolution. But this is something I would like to focus on this year. Not in the get-to-the-gym-daily-follow-fad-diets way, but just thinking about what is healthy for me. This includes food and exercise, but not just that. I also want to be able to think about what's good for me in terms of taking on responsibilities and jobs. I have the tendency to over-schedule myself, because I can't stand having lots of extra time. But this is finally catching up to me this year!

What are your New Year's resolutions? Are you stuck for some? This Buzzfeed article has a ton of great, meaningful suggestions!

Lastly, a giveaway! As I previously mentioned, I hit 100 followers on TpT and 200 followers on Instagram this week. Not a huge deal, but my first personal milestone for TpT. I'm so thankful for all of my followers and customers! To celebrate, I will be giving away a $25 Amazon gift card in addition to any one product from my store! This giveaway will run from Thursday, 12/31 to Thursaday, 01/07.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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